Friday, November 11, 2005

Praxair hearing updates

Praxair had an appeal hearing regarding a previously denied building permit this afternoon (11/10/05). The hearing started at roughly 1:00pm and ended around 5:00pm. Praxair spoke for about one and a half hours while residents of Lafayette Square and Alderman Lewis Reed spoke for about two and a half hours. Testimony from residents was unanimously in opposition to Praxair being granted the building permit and was primarily focused on concern for safety as well as the historical significance of the neighborhood. Alderman Reed shared similar concerns and asked the Board Members to uphold the denial for the permit.

Praxair officials and their lawyer claimed that they have an outstanding safety record and that they “deserve” the building permit because they believe they have submitted the appropriate paperwork. They also focused on safety changes that they would make if they were to be issued the building permit and then resume operations. Many of their proposed safety improvements were couched in vague language (such as “reduced” storage of tanks/chemicals on the site).

Lafayette Square residents emphasized that Praxair was denied the building permit, in part, because they were perceived as a “public nuisance” and the neighborhood was not “comfortable” with the company resuming operations within the historic neighborhood. They asked the members of the board to consider if they would be comfortable with such an operation in their own backyards.

Residents shared stories of what the June 24th explosion was like for them, which included stories of injuries to pets, parents who were separated from their children and feared for their safety, and a handicapped resident who was trapped in her home for some time when it was not yet “safe” for even rescue workers to get to her.

Residents also told stories of property damage, some of which is still unresolved, with 2 homes in the neighborhood being condemned due to the incident. They asked how Praxair could justify requesting a building permit when the company has not yet rectified the damage they have caused their “neighbors” nearly 5 months ago.

Additional Hearing Highlights:

- 49+ letters were submitted to the Board of Building Services by residents who oppose Praxair being granted the building permit

- Approximately 40-50 residents (and Alderman Lewis Reed) were in attendance

- All major media outlets were in attendance (TV, Radio and Print)


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